Laughter is good for your health. It is said that if you laugh for 10 minutes in the morning, your whole day becomes happy. So you also make it a habit to laugh out loud every morning.
Laughing daily strengthens the immune system. This also increases the level of oxygen in the body, and oxygen easily reaches all the organs through the blood. With this process, all your organs work well.
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Laughter must begin at home
It is said that laughter is a kind of infection. When one person sees him, the other person starts laughing as well, without knowing or comprehending why. Then to the second, to the third and fourth, and so on.
The risk of a heart attack decreases
Laughter increases the heart rate. Meanwhile, the amount of oxygen in your body goes up when you take a deep breath. Laughter releases a chemical in the body that is believed to be essential for heart health. It also increases the levels of a hormone called dopamine, which makes you feel happy and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
The lungs are strong
Laughing out loud improves blood flow and strengthens the lungs. There is less of an infection risk.
Keeps weight under control
If you laugh for 30 to 40 minutes a day, usually 50 to 100 calories are burned. These calories are equivalent to 15 to 20 minutes of walking. That’s why obesity is also reduced by laughing. Reducing the stress of laughter leads to a reduction in the cortisol hormone. Cortisol is also called the stress hormone. With the control of cortisol, the weight also remains under control.
Blood Pressure remains under control, and the heart remains healthy
Blood Pressure becomes normal when you laugh. Laughing helps the heart pump because it increases blood flow. Endorphin release has positive effects on mood and heart health. To keep the heart healthy, laugh for a while in the morning.
Skin will glow
The skin will glow because the body gets more oxygen from laughing. The skin is also affected. This effect does not occur within a single day or month. It has been observed that people who are happy have more glowing skin than those who are not smiling.
Will have a lot of sleep
If you have trouble sleeping, make it a habit to laugh. Due to which a hormone called melanin is produced in the body. Which helps you get comfortable sleep.
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Sex hormones will be active
Many hormones in the body become more active when we laugh. This also includes sex hormones. For instance, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It’s beneficial outcome is that we love life. It turns out to be better.
There is no real or fake laugh
Just as yoga is neither real nor fake, similarly, walking or exercising is neither real nor fake. Similarly, laughter is neither genuine nor fake. Yes, sometimes the reason for its onset may be artificial, but the actions that happen while laughing, such as increased breathing, increased heart rate, and acting as a mood freshener, all of these also occur in fake laughter.
Different ways to laugh, but definitely laugh
Everyone’s way of laughing can be different. Some laugh loudly and some laugh softly. While laughing, the person’s whole body shakes, and his eyes are closed. But one thing that applies to all types of laughter is the act of exhaling while laughing. When we laugh, we exhale rapidly, like in Pranayama. That’s why many experts call the act of laughing humour yoga. In the early morning, voices of laughter are heard from many gardens. He is doing comedy yoga. It starts with laughing for no reason, but after a few seconds, it becomes natural.
Laugh out loud; never be stingy with laughter. Laugh as loud as you can. Don’t think about what the other person will think. Laughter is sometimes a sign of liveliness. Yes, if someone is bothered by your laughter, include them too. If you are in an important meeting and it might hurt you, postpone it for a while, but don’t stop smiling. Coming out of the meeting, remember those things and definitely laugh. Never miss an opportunity to laugh.
Laughing boosts confidence
When a person laughs, he moves towards positivity. Being positive makes us more rational in all kinds of work, be it household work or office work. Anything we are able to improve When the mind is calm and stress-free, we have more confidence in ourselves. Its positive effect is definitely seen in the office as well.
Depression will go away
Depression can usually be avoided if there is a habit of smiling and laughing. Sadness also does not last long. A person who has the habit of laughing may come under stress or depression for some time, but due to his positive habits, he comes out of it easily.
Relationship will be stronger
Stress is rampant in today’s world. In such a situation, when a person says something with a smile, people like such a person need to converse with them. Friends or relatives are happy with smiling or laughing people. He often meets such a person. Laughter improves relationships.
Older people are more active
He smiles and laughs; he remains very active even in his old age. This is also because their bodies produce comparatively more endorphins. This hormone keeps other hormones produced in the body active, even at that stage of ageing.
Spread laughter around you
Arrive at the dining table 10 to 15 minutes early. Ask one member each day to tell a joke. It is better if you discuss office matters less at home. Also, try to stay away from negative topics.
Tell the kids some funny stories from your childhood. Laugh at your stupidity and make them laugh too.
If you talk to your childhood friends, then your mind will be at ease. If the mind remains calm, the atmosphere in the family will also be happy.
Do whatever you like; spend some time every day on a hobby. This could be listening to music, dancing, watching a favorite TV show, etc.
If you help someone in need, then the happiness on his face will make you feel good for many days.
Small joys matter; don’t waste small joys waiting for big ones. Smile whenever you get a chance; make me laugh.
Disclaimer: The advice and tips in this article are intended to educate you. It should not be taken as expert advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
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